Transport Governance and Policy
National Access Point Coordination Organization for Europe (NAPCORE)
The Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Directive 2010/40/EU and its Delegated Regulations aim at improving the accessibility of ITS travel and traffic data through the creation of National Access Points (NAPs). Therefore, each European Member State must establish a National Access Point for mobility data. A National Access Point is a place where mobility related data is published and made available for use, for example in travel information services. By now, there are more than 30 operational NAPs in virtually all EU Member States (and beyond), where mobility related data is published and made available for use e.g. in travel information services. However, it has become apparent, that the NAPs are quite different in their setup and data access interfaces. Also, the data published looks different throughout Europe from a data format and standard perspective.
The National Access Point Coordination Organization for Europe (NAPCORE) is the name of the newly formed organization to coordinate and harmonize more than 30 mobility data platforms all over Europe. Co-financed by a Programme Support Action under the European Commissions Connecting Europe Facility, NAPCORE has been launched as coordination mechanism to improve interoperability of the National Access Points as backbone of European mobility data exchange. NAPCORE improves the interoperability of mobility related data in Europe with mobility data standard harmonization and alignment. Also, NAPCORE increases access and expands availability to mobility related data by coordinated data access and better harmonization of the European NAPs. Furthermore, NAPCORE empowers National Access Points and National Bodies by defining and implementing common procedures and strategy, strengthening the position and the role of NAPs, supporting steps towards the creation of European-wide solutions to better facilitate the use of EU wide-data.
NAPCORE has been created in this spirit of consultation and cooperation and it includes 36 participants: 33 beneficiaries covering 26 EU Member States and 3 associated partners. The initial runtime of the Programme Support Action is until the end of 2024 but the goal is to establish a long-lasting and future-oriented platform organization.
Intelligent Transport Systems
The European Intelligent Transport Systems Directive (ITS Directive 2010/40/EU) provides the legal framework to support the coordinated and coherent deployment and use of interoperable and seamless ITS services. ITS services include, for example, journey planners, travel information services, intelligent message signs and traffic lights, safety applications (automatic 112 calls, advanced cruise control), traffic management and more.
Although ITS are used in all modes of transport, the ITS Directive applies to ITS applications and services for road transport including infrastructure, vehicles, users, traffic, and mobility management, and for interfaces with other modes of transport such as multimodal journey planners combining road and rail travel, and ticketing and payment services across all transport modes. The directive has been transposed into Maltese law through the Deployment and Use of Intelligent Transport Systems Regulations S.L.499.61. More information through these link for Directive 2010/40/EU an Regulation 2021/962.
National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)
The EU has committed itself to a clean energy transition, which will contribute to fulfilling the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change and provide clean energy to all. To deliver this commitment, the EU has set binding climate and energy targets for 2030: reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40%, increasing energy efficiency by at last 32.5%, increasing the share of renewable energy to at least 32% of EU energy use and guaranteeing at least 15% electricity inter-connection levels between neighboring Member States. To ensure that the EU targets are met, EU legislation requires that each Member State drafts a 10-year National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), setting out how to reach its national targets, including the binding national target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions that are not covered by the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS).
Maltas NECP outlines policies and measures to increase the share of renewable energy and reduce transport emissions. The first NECP was developed in line with the obligations of the Governance Regulation. Maltas NECP follows the scope of the European Union and covers its five dimensions: decarbonization, energy efficiency, energy security, internal energy market, and research, innovation and competitiveness.
Transport plays an important role with respect to Malta reaching its targets in the areas of reducing GHG emissions, energy efficiency as well as renewable energy.
Green Deal
The European Green Deal strives to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent. Applying its 2030 Climate Target Plan, the EU is set to raise the EUs ambition on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to at least 55% below 1990 levels by 2030, placing it well on track to its 2050 goals.
Malta has already taken various policy decisions to embark on this transformation with the aim being to reduce emissions by 19% below its 2005 emissions in line with the Effort Sharing Regulation. These are outlined in a number of documents and strategies; the 2019 National policy Framework for the deployment of Alternative Fuels 2018-2030; The Sustainable Development Vision for 2050; and the Low Carbon Development Strategy.
National Policy Framework for the Deployment of Alternative Fuels 2018-2030 (NPF)
The National Policy Framework for the Deployment of Alternative Fuels 2018-2030 (NPF) is a national plan adopted by Malta in line with Directive 2014/94/EU of 22 October 2014. Improving the environmental sustainability of transport has been the goal of numerous EU measures and national plans. In line with Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, Member States should achieve a share of energy of the gross final consumption from renewable resources. More information can be obtained through this link.
Maltas Sustainable Development Vision for 2050
Maltas Sustainable Development Vision for 2050 sets out long-term aspirations and priorities for mainstreaming sustainable development. It aligns with the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) whilst also taking into account other developments at an international and EU level. The document is set to become one of the main guiding principles for developing policies, planning and implementing projects. With regards to transport, Vision 2050 makes reference to sustainable mobility with aspirations to reduce congestion and remove traffic bottlenecks, improve reliability and efficiency to allow for better journey planning, strengthen transport links and connectivity, nationally and internationally, to increase access to markets.
Maltas Low Carbon Development Strategy
Maltas Low Carbon Development Strategy sets sector specific GHG emission reduction targets post 2020 to contribute to meeting reduction commitments made at national level. The LCDS, in line with the NECP and transport strategies currently in place, considers the following measures:
- Support for the electrification transition by enhancing the grant scheme currently in place to incentivize the purchase of EVs, through the installation of an extended network of EV charging points, through the electrification of government fleet and through the electrification of scheduled public transport buses.
- Support to drive a significant further increase in public transport usage: this is assumed to arise from a suite of measures, including the extension of free public transport services, and a significant improvement in public transport services.
- Support for active transport through sustained investment taking place throughout the strategy period in infrastructure to support cycling (e.g. bikes, e-bikes, pedelecs) and walking.
- Encouraging teleworking, and remote working and further promotion of Government online services as a mean to reduce and avoid the need to travel, especially to and from specific traffic hotspots, and especially during peak hours. More information through this link.
Master Plan
The Transport Master Plan 2025 flourished at a time when Malta was experiencing an expansion in its economic growth and had record employment levels, which resulted in the demand for transportation to progressively increase. This plan was developed as an incentive to ensure that Malta takes the necessay, coordinated steps in proper transportation planning, whilst identifying the right policy mix of measures and ensuring that economic progress and infrastructure development moved steadily; Simultaneously it needed to manage the effect of transport on the environment, public health, and climate change, Fundamentally, the prupose of the Master Plan is the improving of the quality of life of our citizens. Further information through this link.
Public Charging Infrastructure
Maltas first national policy and regulations for publicy accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure has been launched during a joint press conference by the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise and the Regulator for Energy and Water Services (REWS). The primary aim was to provide a holistic framework for the operation of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure, whilst opening the market to private operators who wished to invest in this emerging sector. By regularising the sector, the government opened the public charging infrastructure market to private operators, hence increasing the services provided. The decarbonisation of the transport sector remains one of the countrys main pillars to obtain climate nuetrality by 2050. Further information through this link.