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Transport Malta Financial Incentives

20 DECEMBER 2022:

The Authority for Transport in Malta, Transport Malta draws the attention of the general public to the Financial Initiative related to Plug-in Hybrid vehicles which were ordered before the end of May 2022 and as yet, have not been imported into Malta or will be imported during 2023.

In May of 2022, Transport Malta had bound itself to pay grants related to all new and used Plug-in Hybrid vehicles ordered by the 31st of May, 2022, even if these were to be registered later on during the same year or during 2023.
It has now come to the attention of Transport Malta that some of the Plug-in Hybrid vehicles ordered in May (2022) will not be shipped to Malta by December 2023, due to various production issues.

To this end and after due consideration and discussion with relative Ministries, the Authority, whilst being under no obligation to do so, has decided to extend the scheme by extending the registration period of these vehicles till the end of December, 2024 (last registration date). Additionally, prospective owners who had already placed their order by May, 2022, are being offered the option to cancel their order from one Agent and to place another order, always within the same parameters, with another Agent. Cancellation consent must be procured beforehand. The Authority makes it clear that the measure which is being hereby applied shall not entitle any persons who had not benefitted under the scheme prior to the extension which is now being implemented to make any claim against the Authority on the basis of this extension.

To conclude, Transport Malta notifies that with affect from the 1st of January 2023, only Plug-in Hybrid vehicles with an electric range of not less than 50km (City) will be exempt from the payment of registration tax. The annual circulation licence fee shall remain free of charge for the first 5 years for the same category of vehicles.

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