Suspension of Services due to Technical Issues
1 OCTOBER 2020:Is-servizzi ta’ Transport Malta jibqgħu sospiżi minħabba problemi tekniċi
Wara li l-Ħadd filgħaxija, fi stqarrija, Transport Malta innotifikat lill-pubbliku li mhux se
tkun tista’ topera b’mod normali għall-fatt li esperjenzat problemi tekniċi fuq is-servers u
s-sistemi li topera bihom, sfortunatament minkejja li ttieħdet azzjoni immedjata dawn id-diffikultajiet tekniċi baqgħu jippersistu.
Il-kawża ta’ dawn il-problemi tekniċi hija cyber-attack li seħħ bejn il-lejl tal-Ġimgħa 25 ta’ Settembru 2020 u s-Sibt 26 ta’ Settembru 2020. Mal-ewwel indikazzjoni ta’ dan, l-esperti tekniċi tal-Awtorità ġew informati u ntalbet ukoll l-assistenza tal-Pulizija.
Bħalissa għaddejja inkjesta maġisterjali biex tistabbilixxi l-fatti kollha. L-Awtorità tiskuża ruħha mal-pubbliku u tibqa’ kommessa biex mill-aktar fis possibbli l-operat tagħha jirritorna għan-normal.
Services at Transport Malta remain suspended due to technical problems
Last Sunday evening, Transport Malta has issued a press release informing the public that the Authority will not operate its services in a normal manner due to technical problems in its servers and systems. The Authority has taken immediate action, but unfortunately the technical problems persisted.
The technical problems were raised following a cyber-attack during the night between Friday 25 September 2020 and Saturday 26 September 2020. The technical experts at the Authority were immediately notified and the police was also asked to assist in the matter.
A magisterial inquiry is being conducted to identify all the facts. The Authority apologises for all the inconvenience caused and remains committed to restore the services back to normal as soon as possible.