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Launch of New eDeclaration for Lost Driving Licences, Logbooks and Plates

Press Release 20 MARCH 2025: 08:00 AM


Transport Malta wishes to inform the public that the declaration Form VEH 039 is now also available for use through the portal.

The declaration Form VEH 39 is used to re-issue a document in cases where this has been lost, misplaced or any changes have been affected. Clients which need to have a vehicle or driving licence related document reissued without the need to come physically to our offices may make use of this e-form. This service covers the reissue of vehicle road disc licences, registration certificates (logbooks), number plates, driving licence cards, counterparts and driver’s tags.

The application may be accessed from this link: VEH 39

Transport Malta will receive these applications, vet them and contact back clients in order to finalise the transaction in the shortest possible amount of time. An online payment will be made after request is approved via the same link.
The reissued documents or plates may be either collected from one of the Driver & Vehicle Licensing offices in Paola or Lija or mailed/posted as preferred or necessary.

The Authority is committed to provide constant access to its transactions through its online facilities and to keep on improving upon the quality of services it provides. Further e-forms relating to transfers and vehicle valuations are currently being developed and will be launched in the coming weeks.



Transport Malta tixtieq tinforma lill-pubbliku li l-Formola ta’ Dikjarazzjoni VEH039 issa hija disponibbli wkoll għall-użu permezz tal-portal

Il-klijenti li jridu jkollhom dokument relatat ma’ vettura jew liċenzja tas-sewqan maħruġ mill-ġdid jistgħu jagħmlu użu minn din il-formola elettronika. Dan is-servizz ikopri l-ħruġ mill-ġdid ta’ liċenzji ta’ tat-triq tal-vetturi, ċertifikati ta’ reġistrazzjoni (logbooks), pjanċi tan-numri, cards tal-liċenzja tas-sewqan, kontropartijiet u tags tas-sewwieq.

L-applikazzjoni tista’ tiġi aċċessata minn dan il-link: VEH 39

Transport Malta se tirċievi dawn l-applikazzjonijiet, tivverifikahom u tikkuntattja lill-klijenti lura sabiex tiffinalizza t-tranżazzjoni fl-iqsar żmien possibbli.

Id-dokumenti maħruġa mill-ġdid jistgħu jew jinġabru minn wieħed mill-uffiċċji tal-Liċenzjar tas-Sewwieq u tal-Vetturi f’Raħal Ġdid jew Ħal Lija jew jintbagħtu/mibgħuta bil-posta kif preferut jew meħtieġ.

L-Awtorità timpenjata ruħa li tipprovdi aċċess kostanti għat-tranżazzjonijiet tagħha permezz tal-faċilitajiet online u li tkompli ttejjeb il-kwalità tas-servizzi li tipprovdi.


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