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Maltese Flagged Ships

 Contact Details

Transport Malta
Merchant Shipping Directorate
Malta Transport Centre
Hal Lija 2021
Tel: +356 21 250360 


General ISPS matters -
Security Alerts -

Names and Other Contact Details

Mr. Ray Aquilina  Tel: +356 99434318  Email Address:

Mr. Keon Vella  Tel: +356 99494318  Email Address:

 Recognized Security Organisations

The following RSOs have been authorized to act for and on behalf of the Administration, to approve SSPs and carry out verification and certification on Maltese ships in accordance with section 19.1 of Part A of the ISPS Code and the applicable requirements of SOLAS Chapter XI-2;

American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, China Classification Society, Class NK,Det Norske Veritas, Polish Register of Shipping, Korean Register of Shipping, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Registro Italiano Navale and Indian Register of Shipping.

RSOs shall require specific authorization prior to the ISPS verification and certification. A letter of authorization will be issued by this Administration on a ship-by-ship basis. The authorisation letter will be issued once and will be applicable for the initial audit and subsequent periodical/renewal audits including approval of the SSP.

All RSOs must ensure that training of all their ISPS auditors conforms to the requirements of IACS Procedural Requirement 25.

Security Level Procedures

The setting of security level for Maltese ships is the responsibility of this Administration. The Administration will communicate the security level information as and when deemed necessary to the Company by MS Notices. Whenever a higher security is set by this Administration, the CSO shall confirm the change in the security level onboard ships falling under his/her responsibility, furthermore the CSO shall notify the Administration of security related matters that may affect the security level onboard.

Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)

The SSAS, when activated, shall initiate and transmit a ship-to-shore security alert to at least, the mailbox address of the Administration - and the Company, identifying the ship, its location and indicating that the security of the ship is under threat or that it has been compromised.

The SSAS is to satisfy the functional requirements outlined in Resolution MSC.136(76), as amended by Resolution MSC.147(77). Further guidance in relation to the design of the SSASs is provided in MSC/Circ.1072.
Identification of the location of the activation points including operational instructions such as testing, deactivation and resetting are to be kept in a separate document accessible only to the Master, SSO and senior management officers.

If the ship has already an approved SSP, the plan must be amended to address the SSAS and the amended parts must be present onboard for review and approval during the verification by the RSO after initial installation of the SSAS.
Once installed the SSAS would be subject to a dedicated verification by the RSO. This verification is not intended to replace the radio survey required by SOLAS Chapter I. The radio survey is an integral part of the statutory survey and certification process undertaken by the recognized organization.

When the SSAS is activated, the security alert message should include the following information:

Name of Ship
IMO Ship Identification Number
Call Sign
Maritime Mobile Service Identity
GNSS position (latitude and longitude) of the ship
Date and Time of the GNSS position

Depending on the equipment, system and arrangements used, the Name of Ship, the IMO Ship Identification Number, the Call Sign and the Maritime Mobile Service Identity may be added to the signal or message transmitted by the shipborne equipment. The SSAS is to be tested whenever there is a change in the details or the programming of the unit.