Safety Management
TM CAD is the authority within the State to which the management of aviation safety has been entrusted. Safety has always been and will always be at the centre of all aviation service providers and stakeholders, and hence the Safety and Compliance Unit (SCU) plays an important, leading role within this industry. The SCU is the unit within the TM CAD with the function of dealing with safety management and compliance monitoring. In terms of safety management, the SCU has a pivotal role in:
State Safety Programme and State Plan for Aviation Safety
The SCU is responsible for establishing the State Safety Programme and State Plan for Aviation Safety and to oversee their implementation and effectiveness. In addition, the SCU is tasked to ensure that these documents are updated in a way that they remain relevant and effective towards aviation safety.
Occurrence Reporting
The SCU is the unit responsible to ensure that that an occurrence reporting system is indeed in place in collecting, evaluating and closing these reports as well as exchanging information with the relevant organisations and entities as required by the Basic Regulation and its implementing rules.
Safety Promotion
Safety Promotion is one key enabler to reach the ultimate objectives of the EU Safety Management Strategy and contributes to continuous improvement of our aviation safety system in Europe and worldwide, together with regulations and oversight.
Safety Information Advisory Notices
Safety Information Advisory Notices are issued periodically depending on current situations that may affect aviation safety.
Safety Publications
Periodically the CAD publishes safety reports as a means to enhance knowledge and awareness related to aviation safety. Reports published by regional agencies such as EASA are also made available and used as an additional tool to enhance aviation safety.
Safety Management System
A Safety Management System (SMS) is a systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organisational structure, accountabilities, policies and processes. SMSs provide organizations with a powerful framework of safety philosophy, tools and methodologies that improve their ability to understand, construct and manage proactive safety systems.
In order to reinforce the notion of safety management being a managerial process, the new International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) safety management requirements include provisions for an organisation to establish lines of safety accountability throughout the organization, as well as the senior management level. SMS is based on leadership and accountability. It requires proactive hazard identification, risk management, information control, auditing and training. It also includes incident and accident investigation and analysis. SMS oversight is part of the audit programme performed by inspectors of the CAD.
Ramp-Up, Be Ready - Stay Safe campaign
As we look hopefully towards the Ramp-Up of operations, the safety of aviation relies on resilient management systems and the whole aviation community working together. EASA have partnered with organisations from across the aviation community to develop the COVID-19 Ramp-Up – Be Ready, Stay Safe Campaign to help align basic actions and principles on the risks to mitigate.
Thanks to the aviation artist Paul Briars we now have a set of campaign posters available for download. There are posters for Aerodromes, Air Ops, ATM/ ANS and Maintenance.