Obtaining your driving licence
The following is the procedure that needs to be followed to obtain a driving licence.
- Identify an Instructor
- Obtain a Learners Permit
- Apply and sit for the Theory Test
- Submit Application for Practical Test
- Sit for the driving ability test .
- Guidelines for the Conducting of Practical Tests categories AM, A1, A2 and A (9)
- Guidelines for Conducting of Practical Tests for Category B (10).
- Probationary Licence
The training, testing and licensing of drivers is regulated by the Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations (Subsidiary Legislation 65.18). No person is allowed to drive any motor vehicle or a motor cycle unless in possession of either a valid driving licence or a learners permit which has been issued by the Authority.
Identify an Instructor
The first step is to identify someone to train you. This can either be through a Licensed Motoring School, or a non-licensed Driving Instructor.
A non-licensed Driving Instructor must :
- Be at least 25 years old
- Be in possession of a valid driving licence, covering the category being instructed for at least five years;
- Be in possession of insurance endorsement coverage
The Vehicle to be used for the purpose of instructing the learner driver shall:
- be covered by an appropriate insurance and meets all technical requirements.
- have affixed to the front and rear, the letter L in red on a white background.
Licensed Motoring Schools are required to use the Student Record Sheet applicable to the particular category,this to ensure training is provided in a structured manner. This is kept by you during training and gives an indication of those lessons which have been covered, the lessons taught and the various stages of progress. The choice of lesson sequence is at the instructors discretion depending on your progress and ability. However, all lessons indicated on the Student Record Sheet must have been taught before an application is submitted (See student record sheets for SRS Category A, SRS Category B, SRS Category C and SRS Category D).
Changing Motoring School
You can change your Motoring School at any time, but must notify the Authority by completing the Change of Motoring School form. No fees apply.
Apply for a Learners Permit
The first stage to obtain your licence is that you would require a Learners Permit allowing you to start your training on the road with an authorised instructor. The requirements for Standard Licences are - Categories A1, A2, A, B1, B and BE are :
Must meet the minimum age requirements listed below;
Category | Minimum Age |
AM - e-kick scooters | 16 years |
AM - mopeds & light quadricycles | 18 years |
A1 | 18 years |
A2 | 20 years |
A |
B1 | 18 years |
B | 18 years |
BE | 18 years |
In addition:
- Application for Learner Permit must be processed online on www.licenzji-xufiera.gov.mt. Physical applications will only be accepted by the Authority for limited and specific cases.
- Medical Fitness Test to be processed online by the Medical Doctor.
- Payment of Euro 23.25 to be processed online.
- For all clients in possession of another foreign driving licence the attached DRV029 form is necessary to be filled.
- Any EU/ Swiss/ Australian driving licence holders shall need to go through the Exchange of Licence INTERNE LINK process prior to applying.
- Any third country driving licence holders shall need to complete the DRV029 declaration process at application stage before the issuance of the Maltese Driving Licence can be finalized.
Advanced Licences for Categories C, C+E, D & D+E and g and Sub-categories C1, C1+E, D1 & D1+E
Must have a valid driving licence in category B for at least one month and must meet the minimum age requirements for the respective category as listed below;
Category | Minimum Age |
C1 | 18 years |
C1E | 18 years |
C |
CE |
D1 | 21 years, even if in possession of CPC Initial Qualification Certification |
D1E | 21 years even if in possession of CPC Initial Qualification Certification |
D |
DE |
g | 18 years |
In addition:
- Application for Learner Permit must be processed online on www.licenzji-xufiera.gov.mt. Physical applications will only be accepted by the Authority for limited and specific cases.
- Medical Fitness Test to be processed online by the Medical Doctor.
- Payment of Euro 23.25 to be processed online.
The minimum requirement of 185 days residency (in cases where the issue date of the Identity / Residence Card are issued after this period) can be proven by providing any of the following for consideration of the Authority;
- Income Tax returns issued by IRD
- End of year FS3 forms issued by the employer
- ETC engagement form registering client with employer
- Utility bills (Telecommunication companies, Water and Electricity, Cable communications) in the name of the candidate
- Contract of purchase of a residence in Malta or Gozo signed by a Notary / Lawyer
- Contract of leasing of a residence in Malta or Gozo signed by a Notary / Lawyer
- Private agreement for the rental of a residence between two parties countersigned by a Notary / Lawyer
- Leasing agreements of residences between two parties countersigned by a lawyer or notary
- Letter issued by Educational Institution Dean/Head confirming when the candidate started studying there, the course details and when its expected to finish in the cases of foreign students
The Learners Permit allows you to practice driving under instruction on all days, excluding Sundays and public holidays. Learner Permits are issued for three years. Whilst on training the L plate must always be featured on the front and rear of the vehicle (Red L in cases of a private instructor or Green L in cases of a Motoring School vehicle).
A Driving Instructor, representing a Motoring School of your choice, has the experience, knowledge and training to teach you how to drive.
You need to make sure that the instructor you found is right for you and meets your learning style. Choose an instructor who:
- has a good reputation;
- is reliable and punctual;
- can help you to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills and competence in line with safe driving standards;
- has a car that meets your requirements.
Once you have started taking driving lessons, its important that you get on well with whoever is teaching you to drive and take their advice on:
- all aspects of driving;
- what books to read;
- when to take your test;
- how to practice (based on Student Record Sheet)
If at any time during the training you feel you wish to change instructor or School, this is possible anytime provided you complete the appropriate form. There is no fee for this.
Your chosen Instructor must be officially recognized and authorised to operate as a Driving Instructor by Transport Malta their relative Tag proving such authorisation is to be worn at all times during instruction and training.
Additionally, you are encouraged to download a copy of the highway code, through the links below:
For the Maltese version please click Here
For the English version please click Here
Applying for the Theory Test
The requirements to apply to sit for the Theory Test are:
- Must be at least 18 years old;
- In possession of a Learners Permit
- Pay a fee of 30.25;
- Present ID card before sitting for the test.
Candidates who are unable to read and write and or have some form of condition that hinders them from doing the Theory Test can apply with Transport Malta to be assisted by a representative of the Authority. The assistance provided will be restricted to the reading of the questions and possible answers in either Maltese or English. The final decision on the correct answer is to be taken by the candidate. The Authority representative will not be held responsible for the outcome of the test/s undertaken. This is possible by completing form DE 001 which needs to be signed by yourself as the Candidate. In addition to this form a Medical certificate related to the condition that impedes the candidate from sitting for the test on his own has to be presented.
Transport Malta is offering this service free of charge to all candidates in need of reading assistance during the Theory Test.
To book an appointment, candidates may call the Theory Test Centre on 21227190 or 27227190 or place an appointment via the following link https://maltatheorytest.com
The Theory Test Centre is now located at Gwardamangia Hill, Pieta and its opening hours are as guided below:
- Monday: 8:00 till 17:00pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 till 17:00pm
- Wednesday: 11:00 till 17:00pm
- Thursday: 8:00 till 17:00pm
- Friday: 8:00 till 12:00pm
Gozo sessions will be held every Friday by appointment from the following venue:
Ministry for Gozo
St. Francis square
The subjects covered are defined in the Fourth Schedule of the Regulations. The test, which takes 45 minutes, is made up of 35 multiple choice questions and you need to answer 30 correctly to pass the test. Those passing the test will be given a certificate indicating a pass.
This Theory Test Question bank (English) is available here :
- Cars (Categories B etc.)
- Motorcycles (Categories A etc.)
- Large Goods Vehicles (Categories C1 and C)
- Large Goods Vehicles with Trailer (Categories C1E and CE)
- Passenger Vehicles (Categories D1 and D)
This Theory Test Question bank (Maltese) is available here :
- Karrozzi (Kategoriji B etc.)
- Muturi (Kategoriji A etc.)
- Vetturi kbar tat-Taghbija (Kategoriji C1 u C)
- Vetturi kbat tat-Taghbija bit-Trailers (Kategoriji C1E u CE)
- Vetturi kbar għall-Ġarr tal-Passiġġieri (D1 u D)
Applying for the Practical Test
Once the training has been completed and you are ready to sit for the Practical Test, you can apply for the Practical Test at the Authoritys offices. The Authority will schedule candidates on a first come first serve basis, and a notification of the test date and time will be sent directly to you and copied to the Motoring School.
The Practical Test will include two safety check questions Show and Tell at the beginning of the test. These questions will be asked whilst in or before entering the vehicle to be used for testing.
The Driving Examiner will also ensure that in case of adverse weather conditions these safety check questions are asked inside vehicle.
All clients bearing ID Cards or Residence Cards ending with A or L are kindly asked to ensure that the DRV029 form (which includes declarations in line with their residence in Malta and other possible previous driving licence held) had been previously filled in and presented to Transport Malta either at the Learner Permit stage or separately through this form before a Driving test application can be considered.
The minimum requirement of 185 days residency (in cases where the issue date of the Identity / Residence Card are issued after this period) can be proven by providing any of the following for consideration of the Authority;
- Income Tax returns issued by the Commissioner for Revenue;
- End of year FS3 forms issued by the employer;
- Jobs Plus engagement form registering client with an employer;
- Contract of purchase of a residence in Malta or Gozo signed by a Notary / Lawyer;
- Contract of leasing of a residence in Malta or Gozo signed by a Notary / Lawyer;
- Private agreement for the rental of a residence between two parties countersigned by a Notary / Lawyer;
- Leasing agreements of residences between two parties countersigned by a lawyer or notary;
- Letter issued by Educational Institution Dead/Head confirming when the candidate started studying there, the course details and when its expected to finish in the cases of foreign students.
Saturday practical driving tests
Authority offers the possibility of sitting for same on a Saturday. A payment of 40 is applicable for such tests.
Notifications will be sent between two or three weeks in advance to allow sufficient time for you to make arrangements for the test. If you need to change the test date or time, this will only be possible in exceptional justified cases at least one week before the test date, for not being able to attend due to pre-booked overseas travel, hospital appointments, court hearings or exam requirements. In such case you will need to submit a written request attaching evidence and justification. In this case, you will normally be scheduled a test date for the next available date.
Those who do not pass the test, will need to re-apply for another test.
Candidates failing to attend for the test, will be recorded as absent, will lose their slot, and will need to re-apply, and pay the 23.25 fee.
Sitting for the Practical Test
The Practical Test is based on the subjects contained in the Fifth Schedule of the Regulations. You may be accompanied by a third party, as long as the third party does not communicate with the Examiner, or act in any way that may interfere with or influence the test procedure or outcome throughout the test.
The vehicles used in the Practical Test must comply with the minimum technical requirements as indicated in the Third Schedule, must be covered by a valid VRT, road licence disc, learner plates and insurance covering the specific use. The examiner will have a cursory check of the vehicle and if standards are not met (such as an expired road tax, damaged tyres, broken light fittings etc) the test will not be performed. Test follows the following sequence;
Arrival at Test Centre with accompanying driver (instructor / third party)
It is important to be at the waiting area of the Testing Centre a few minutes prior to the Test. The test will be cancelled and the candidate will be marked as absent if s/he applicant is more than 15 minutes late for his/her appointment. A fresh application and fee shall then be needed.
Standard Operating Procdures for the Conducting of Practical Tests
This document provides guidelines on the carrying out of practical driving tests, with the aim of ensuring consistency when carrying out such tests. See our Standard Operating procedure in English or Maltese.
Urgent Cards
The Authority offers the possibility of ordering your driving licence urgently this shall be available for collection the day after (working days only) in the afternoon. A payment of 25 is applicable for such service. In the event of Fridays or eves of a Public/National Holiday then the last order processed would be by 10am otherwise it cannot be guaranteed the request can be met on time.
Probationary Licence
Applicants who pass their driving tests shall be granted a probationary driving licence, valid for three (3) years, and is subject to a penalty point system.
For each contravention listed in the Sixth Schedule of the Regulations, penalty points shall be imposed by the Court of Magistrates or by the Commissioners for Justice, and recorded on the drivers counterpart probationary driving licence. In such cases you shall be informed by the Authority and within 10 days you are to submit your driving licence counterpart for updating. A fresh counterpart shall be issued to you.
A full driving licence for ten years is issued, if no penalty points are recorded or if the penalty points imposed were less than 12.
A probationary driving licence is revoked if, during the three-year probationary period, you accumulate 12 twelve penalty points or more. In such cases you shall be informed by the Authority and within 10 days you are to submit your driving licence counterpart and photocard. A fresh counterpart shall be issued to you. Once revoked you may only apply for a new probationary driving licence after the expiration of three months from such revocation by starting the whole process of obtaining a licence afresh.
- Application form for the practical test DRV022
- A fee of 23.25 for weekdays/ A fee of 40.00 for Saturday
- Income Tax returns issued by IRD
- End of year FS3 forms issued by the employer
- ETC engagement form registering client with employer
- Utility bills (Telecommunication companies, Water and Electricity, Cable communications) in the name of the candidate
- Contract of purchase of a residence in Malta or Gozo signed by a Notary / Lawyer
- Contract of leasing of a residence in Malta or Gozo signed by a Notary / Lawyer
- Private agreement for the rental of a residence between two parties countersigned by a Notary / Lawyer
- Leasing agreements of residences between two parties countersigned by a lawyer or notary
- Letter issued by Educational Institution Dean/Head confirming when the candidate started studying there, the course details and when its expected to finish in the cases of foreign students
- Examiner greets you, confirms identification (I.D. card or passport) and instructor / third party signs declaration that vehicle meets requirements. (licence, insurance, etc)
- You shall be requested to read a vehicle registration number from a distance of 20.5 metres. (If you fail to read number plate, a fail is recorded and test is stopped);
- Examiner asks you a couple of vehicle safety check questions;
- You and examiner enter vehicle and examiner pre-briefs you on test process;
- Test commences, consisting of a minimum of twenty five (25) minutes of road driving for Categories A & B and sixty (60) minutes for all other Categories excluding pre-brief, technical checks, special manoeuvres and debrief;
- You are de-briefed on the Test in the presence of instructor (you may choose not to have instructor present);
- Test is concluded and you shall be asked to sign the Driver Test Report in acknowledgement of result and debrief;
- If you pass test, documents are given to you to present at the Driver and Passenger Operator Licensing Unit for the issuance of your driving licence or its upgrade as the case may be;
- If a fail is recorded, examiner offers to explain reasons for failure to you and you shall be given a copy of the Driver Test Report illustrating these points.
For information about payment methods accepted by Transport Malta refer here.
Last Updated: 24/02/2025