PRESS RELEASE Transport Malta wishes to inform the public that the declaration Form VEH 039 is now also available for use through the portal. The declaration Form VEH 39 is used to re-issue a document in cases where this has been lost, misplaced or any changes have...
Il-Gvern Malti llum kompla jimmarka l-impenn tiegħu għal futur ekonomiku sostenibbli permezz tal-iffirmar tal-ewwel Shore Power Agreement fir-reġjun tal-Mediterran mal-kumpanija tal-cruises Carnival UK u l-P&O Cruises. F'konferenza tal-aħbarijiet f'Villa Bighi...
Transport Malta qegħda tippubblika Espressjoni Ta Interess (EOI) għal operaturi tattrasport kummerċjali li matul l-2025 huma interessati joffru s-servizzi tagħhom fiż-żona ta Blue Lagoon fKemmuna. Dan qed isir bħala parti...
STOP in the Name of Love! Transport Malta is driving its commitment on another campaign aimed at promoting more the importance on road safety. For this years Valentines Day, the Authority is rallying the call for all road users to OBSERVE TRAFFIC...